
I’m a stay at home mom— in my mid 40’s.  4 kids. Partially homeschooling the youngest (14dd), with a mix of homeschool with the others ahead of her.

The home is full of teens with the oldest daughter in college.  It’s a little hectic with kids learning how to drive, entering the dating scene and learning to live on their own.

Plus, add to this my own questions of where am I at in my life….what is my role….

It’s changed since they were younger and needing direction, love and a ride and push to interact, and everything else that moms do.


Now I am learning how to let go, allow them to explore on their own, build relationships- starting with friendships, supporting dating… allowing them to move ahead on their own.

It’s tricky.  Learning something new. Learning a new role. Sort of a new purpose in the home.

I am a church going gal- LDS.   I love Jesus.

I love that I have an opportunity to lead and direct the kids to be their best- no matter who they become.

I’m on sort of a new journey.  A journey that will require a little help and direction from the scriptures, exploring new goals, trying new things and meeting new people.

I’m sure there are many out there that are in the same boat.  Same situation. I hope that you join me in this soul exploration, and that you find the printables, journals and notebooks helpful in your own discovery of yourself and your new ‘role’ in life.

Whatever that looks like for you.
